Hajichi Resource Sharing
Please use the below form to share links or names for any resources you recommend from your research or that you used in getting your own Hajichi, (if you have them).

Submissions may be made directly to hajichirevival@gmail.com.

As an English-language project, we greatly appreciate translated resources as they are available. All contributions are appreciated.

Niffee Debiru for you time and contribution!


This project seeks to amplify the practice of Hajichi amongst the Ryukyuan diaspora. It is my hope that our Hajichi can be common images amongst the community, and that we can also revitalize the ritual tattooing of Hajichi itself. The information collected here will be compiled into a digital resource for public community access.


Your email address is collected for follow up information only, and to share any produced resources with you. Your contact information will never be shared.
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URLs, Book title names, Images Links, etc.
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