JIA Working Party Survey - Joint Injection course

The JIA Working Party of PReS is considering organizing a hands-on course focused on joint injections. This course aims to enhance the practical skills of our members in performing joint injections, which are a crucial aspect of managing juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

 To gauge the interest and feasibility of this course, we kindly request your participation in a very simple and short survey. Your feedback is essential in helping us plan and structure this course effectively. 

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Would you be interested in attending an in-person PReS course on joint injections?


Do you have any experience performing joint injections in children? 

Do you have any experience performing ultrasound guided joint injections in children? 
Do you have any experience performing tendon injections in children? 

What specific topics would you like to see covered in a joint injection course? 

(Please provide your answer below)

If you are interested in this course, when would you prefer it to take place?

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