Impact Lacrosse Survey
This survey was created with the intention of obtaining feedback in relation to our camps, clinics, and tryouts. It can be completed by a player, coach, or the parents/relatives of a player who attended an Impact Lacrosse event.

Please note that your responses to these prompts may be used in our marketing efforts as testimonials.

***This survey can be completed anonymously - if you wish to do so, please bypass the first question.
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If you feel comfortable, please provide your name and contact information to us. (This is not a required field and you can still submit this form anonymously if you so choose)
Who attended an Impact Lacrosse event? (Example: you, your child, etc.) *
How many Impact Lacrosse experiences has the player attended? *
What is your player's experience level? (Please select all that apply) *
Were you a member of the Impact Lacrosse coaching staff at any of the events listed above? *
What type of event was attended? (Please check all that apply) *
How would you rank your experience(s) with Impact Lacrosse? *
Highly Unsatisfied
Highly Satisfied
Please explain your answer to the above question. *
What skills did the player learn throughout their experience with Impact Lacrosse? (Please check all that apply, and fill in the "other" field if you would like to add additional skills) *
Would you recommend Impact Lacrosse to others? *
How likely are you to attend another Impact Lacrosse event in the future? *
Highly Unlikely
Highly Likely
What can we do to further improve the player's experience? *
Is there anything else you would like to share about the player's experience? *
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