DAO Ambassadors by NEARStarter
Our community is the single most crucial element of NEARStarter, and in order to grow and thrive, we require quality connections and partnerships within the NEAR ecosystem. Our community has been earned through trust in our project and will be built upon even further by key ecosystem partners - such as yourself.

Forging new bonds, and raising awareness of NEARStarter’s incubation and launchpad services is something we believe is best handled through strong engagement strategies that involve rewarding the participants for their efforts. This is why we created the DAO Ambassador Group program - to reward and incentivize our valued supporters for growing and engaging our community.

This program is designed to promote both competition and cooperation between participating DAOs, certain goals will need to be completed quickly by only a single group - whilst others may have a shared goal, in which collaboration will be required.


To apply for one of our DAO Ambassador Group positions, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to book a meeting.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
DAO Name *
Main Contact's Name *
Main Contact's Telegram *
Main Contact's Discord
Please enter URLs to your Social Media profiles *
Are you currently involved in any other Crypto or Blockchain projects? (which ones) *
Please provide us some insight into how you can/will approach your ambassadorship to create the most engagement: *
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