Report dying buckthorn in Minnesota
Report an observation of dying glossy (Frangula alnus) or common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica).

The information you submit will be used in support of the research project: Biological control of buckthorn using fungi, supported by the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center. 

Researchers may follow up with you for more information.

If you're uncertain your buckthorn is diseased, you can reference the examples at the bottom of the form.

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First and last name
Coordinates, address or approximate location of affected buckthorn
In what type of area did you observe this?
Please describe what you observed. (e.g. signs of fungi on the trees, dead trees, wilting leaves, etc.)
How many buckthorn trees are affected? 
Health status of affected trees. Pick two that when combined describe the largest number of affected trees. If only one description is applicable, then pick one. 
Do you have photos of your observations that you're willing to share? If yes, please email them to
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Example of diseased buckthorn #1:

Pictured are blackened and dead buckthorn stems, a few of which are re-sprouting at the base. 
Example of diseased buckthorn #2: 

Use a knife to strip outer bark and check for diseased tissue. Healthy inner bark is orange (right), diseased/dead inner bark is brown (left).
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