Behind the Scenes Performance Online Coaching Application
Achieving peak performance on the court or field is a direct result of dedication and hard work in the weight room. Our program emphasizes evidence-based training, speed development, and sports performance data to help athletes enhance their physical capabilities and reach their full potential. If you want to take your game to the next level, please fill out the application in detail so I can better understand your athletic background and the goals you're currently pursuing.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Age: *
Where are you located? *
What is your current occupation? 

(this helps me understand your lifestyle and the time/energy that we can dedicate toward obtaining your goals; if you're currently in school please describe your course load and any other clubs/activities you participate in outside of your sport)
Do you want to be a Pro?

(this will help me identify your dedication to showing up each and everyday for yourself and others in your life, making sure you will always give your best effort)
How committed are you to this process? *
Describe to me where you are currently on your health and fitness journey. *
What exactly are you struggling with in your health and fitness journey?

(examples include: sleep, hydration, nutrition, stress, mental health, etc.)
What are the 3 biggest struggles you can identify currently in your health and fitness? *
What have you done previously to overcome these obstacles in your health and fitness journey? *
Have you noticed anything that has helped improve your current struggles? *
What are your short-term goals? *
What are your long-term goals? *
How can BTS Performance help you achieve some of these goals? *
To see if this is a good fit for both of us, I will be reaching out shortly to set up an onboarding call!

(drop any additional questions you may have about the program below)
How did you hear about Behind the Scenes Performance? 

(Instagram, Facebook, Email List, Referral, Etc.)
Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this application. I look forward to speaking with you very soon.

Andrew Reynolds
Behind the Scenes Performance, CEO
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