To the Youth:  On the Road to 2020 and Beyond
Join the Secret Agents of Compassion in the Gardens of Global Unity in your part of the world.  We are sowing and growing a Culture of Peace on and with the Earth, our home.  

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If you knew the future of life on Earth depended on it, would you become a Secret Agent of Compassion?  
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help grow a Culture of Peace in your part of the world, wherever you are.  Are you willing?
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First you must find a place to grow your Garden.  It should be a place of natural beauty, where people can come to visit and learn about the Culture of Peace.  It can be at your own home, school, or somewhere in your community.  Where will you start your Garden?
Which of the 11 Gardens of Global Unity bring you most joy?
What age group/s do you like to work and play with?
As we begin the 11 Days of Global Unity, September 11 - 21, who will you invite to join you?  
When you are ready, here's your first Mission of Compassion.  
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