Early Start 2025-2026 Enrollment
Use this form to enroll each LA from your system into the Early Start Program of LATI. Add information about your LA for each question. If your LA is going through the advanced portion, please remember that they need to have earned a Bachelor's Degree in order to be eligible (we ask for more info below). By completing that portion of the form you are in compliance with COMAR :
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Email *
Select which month you'd like your LA to start Early Start (12 week course) *
LA's First Name *
LA's Last Name *
LA's Email Address *
Does LA work part or full time *
Library System *
LA's Supervisor Name *
LA's Supervisor Email *
Who will mentor your LA and grade assignments? *
System Mentor Email *
Does the System Mentor Need Training? *
LA's Date of Hire (Current Role/LA Role) *
If eligible, after your LA completes Early Start which Advanced LAT would you prefer they join? (Spring: Apr-Jun, Fall: Sept-Nov, Winter (virtual): Jan-Mar*) *Winter cohorts are 100% virtual synchronous. *
For advanced LATI registration, please add the BA/BS year, school name, and field of study of your LA. (put N/A if not continuing to advanced) *
Staff Development: Your name (we ask to confirm in case we do not recognize the email address) *
Your email (if different than the first question--we have this Google form automatically collecting emails)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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