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Spikes Asia - Training & development survey
Thank you for taking this survey aimed at the next generation of industry leaders to help us understand how the training requirements of our customers have evolved. Cheers to talent development and the future of the creative branded communications industry!
Objective of this survey:
What should Spikes Asia organise at the 2021 Festival to develop under 30’s talent
Understand attitudes of young talents and how you envision professional training and development
Identify the skills gaps and opportunities for Spikes Asia at the Festival and year rounds.
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your answer
Job title
Your answer
Job role
What are your responsibilities in your role?
Your answer
Please select the Spikes Asia training academy you attended
Account Leadership Academy
Digital Academy
Marketers Academy
Media Academy
Strategy & Effectiveness (Tangrams) Academy
Think Tank Academy
Would you regard your attendance on a Spikes Academy as beneficial to you personally and in your career?
Please explain how a Spikes Academy has / has not benefited you personally and in your career.
Your answer
How do you get approval from your manager to attend a training academy at Spikes?
Your answer
As a young talent, what would you say are the biggest challenges when it comes to working in the industry?
Your answer
Do you think Spikes Asia should continue with our Academy programme?
Please explain why the training academies at Spikes should continue or how the format should change to stay relevant.
Your answer
What type of content group should you and the next generation of industry leaders be learning about?
Industry-leading topics such as: Data, privacy and ethics in marketing; Brand purpose; Digital such as AI, e-commerce; Emerging markets; Creativity and effectiveness
Personal development tools like: Mental health awareness; Leadership skills; Being more efficient; Personal brand development; Practical creativity i.e. how to solve a problem quickly; Handling rejection and bouncing back stronger
What format of training do you think is the most effective:
Rank the options from most important to least important (1st to 4th)
1st (most effective)
4th (least effective)
Workshops deep diving into content
Live competitions to test talent against each other
Classroom style covering variety of subjects with international speakers
Hacks to learn whilst doing
1st (most effective)
4th (least effective)
Workshops deep diving into content
Live competitions to test talent against each other
Classroom style covering variety of subjects with international speakers
Hacks to learn whilst doing
Related to your career, what are the 3 most important areas you would like to become an expert in?
Your answer
If Spikes Asia were to design the perfect training course for you, what would that look like? (hours, cost, commitment, formats, etc.)
Your answer
Has graduating from Spikes with an Academy certificate, proven valuable after the training?
Please explain how the Academy certificate has / has not been valuable after the training
Your answer
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