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Scott Eye Care Specialty/Scleral Contacts Referral Form
Do you have a patient you'd like to refer to Scott Eye Care for specialty contact lenses?
Complete this HIPAA-compliant referral form.
Please fax the patient's records to 337-706-8172 or use our HIPAA-compliant Direct Secure Messaging address at
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Referring Doctor
Your answer
Referring Doctor's Fax Number or Direct Secure Messaging Address
Your answer
Referring Doctor's Phone Number
Your answer
Patient Last Name
Your answer
Patient First Name
Your answer
Patient Date of Birth
Patient Phone Number
Your answer
Would you like us to contact the patient to schedule the appointment, or will you call our office to schedule?
I would like Scott Eye Care to contact the patient for scheduling.
I will call Scott Eye Care to schedule the patient myself. (Our phone: 337-704-2260)
Patient's Best Corrected Acuity OD
Your answer
Patient's Best Correct Acuity OS
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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