PROMO PAC Board Application
The PROMO PAC works to help elect pro-equality candidates to the Missouri Legislature who are committed to protecting the over 180,000 LGBTQ people in our state. Our volunteer board is integral to ensuring we raise the funds necessary to win and endorse candidates who our membership can trust are dedicated to LGBTQ equality.

PROMO PAC Board meetings are held virtually via Zoom. Currently meetings are on the third Monday of each month at 6 pm (subject to change based on availability), with periodic additional meetings during the election cycle.

We are seeking to diversify our board representation in areas of race, gender identity, location within Missouri (particularly rural areas), and HIV status in order to deepen our commitment to electing pro-equality candidates.

Application deadline for January nominations is January 7th, 2022. Applications will continue to be accepted for rolling nominations as well.

Questions? Contact the PROMO PAC Board

Read full PAC Board Member Role Description here: 

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Email *
Your full name (preferred name is welcome; legal name not required): *
Your pronouns: *
Describe your involvement in the field of electoral politics (via PAC engagement, campaigns, or otherwise): *
What personal experiences or identities have informed your perspective on LGBTQ equality? *
Describe your understanding of intersectionality and its importance when addressing LGBTQ equality and electoral politics: *
What does helping pro-equality candidates win in Missouri mean to you? *
In what ways would you bring a focus on racial equity in your participation on the PROMO PAC Board? *
In what ways has HIV impacted your life (directly or indirectly)? *
What do you see as being the biggest challenges facing LGBTQ Missourians and their representation in the Missouri State Capitol? *
Your age (If you decline to share, simply write "Decline."): *
Your city/town (applicants should be based in Missouri): *
Are you of Latinx, Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? *
Your race (check all that apply, and/or list additional details): *
Your sexual orientation (check all that apply, and/or desribe additional details): *
Your gender identity (check all that apply, and/or describe additional details): *
Your sex assigned at birth: *
Thank you for applying to serve on the PROMO PAC Board. If you have any questions, please email us at 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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