Information Request
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In what grade is your child?
In which pod are you interested? *
I have an older child and I am interested in a pod for older children.
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Spanish pods will have a maximum of 6 children per teacher, and will be taught by Rosanmi, a certified Spanish by NYS with many years of classroom experience.
Spanish Pod Schedule
-Pick-up at P.S. 40 and walk to class
-3:10-3:25pm Snack Time (provided by Spanish Conmigo NYC & outdoors (weather permitting))
-3:25-4:10pm Beginning Spanish Class
-4:00-4:30pm Review what was taught/free time 
-4:15-4:30pm Pick-Up 
Please visit to learn about Spanish Conmigo NYC. You will soon receive an email with more information. This is not a registration form.
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