Dash 2021 Workshop Feedback
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback about the workshop you attended. We take feedback very seriously and will use this valuable information to improve our training offerings in the future.
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What workshop did you attend? *
If you're coming from a workshop this field should be automatically prefilled for you.
How satisfied are you with the workshop?
Very unsatisfied 🙁
Very satisfied 😁
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How likely are you to recommend this workshop to a friend or colleague?
Very unlikely 🙁
Very likely 😁
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Was the pace of instruction appropriate for the subject matter?
A rating of 3 means that it was balanced perfectly and you wouldn't want to change anything.
No, it was too slow
No, it was too fast
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Was the depth of the content appropriate for the subject matter?
A rating of 3 means that it was balanced perfectly and you wouldn't want to change anything.
No, I felt bored
No, I felt overwhelmed
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If we could only improve this workshop in one area, where should we focus?
Please go into as much detail as you can. Praise, gratitude, and actionable feedback will be shared with the trainer(s).
We're thinking about recording this workshop in the future. Do any of these concerns resonate with you? (pick all that apply to you)
We realize there are many positives to recording the workshops, however we want to be accommodating and inclusive to everyone. This questions is intended to help identify any concerns attendees may have with recording workshops during Dash. Please provide additional
Do you wish to be contacted about your responses? If yes, please provide your email address.
No need to provide your info unless you have a question or follow up information. Alternatively, you may always email feedback directly to our Training Team Lead: david.needham@datadoghq.com.
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