MISS TMSA Welcomes Greensboro Mayor NANCY VAUGHAN
Dear Parents, 

Please join us as we honor Mayor of Greensboro Nancy Vaughan!
MISS TMSA is proud to announce that Nancy Vaughan will be with us on February 9th at 9:30 am for a speech! 
Please let us know if you can join us! 

Looking forward to seeing you!

Where: TMSA Triad - Auditorium (700 Creek Ridge Road)
When: Thursday, February 9th, 2023 -  9:30 - 10:00 am

MISS TMSA is a student club helping middle and high school ladies at TMSA become confident and well rounded leaders through speaking and social engagements, community service projects, college visit, peer to peer support, opportunities to work collectively as a team, and to develop friendships! MISS is an acronym that stands for Motivating Inspiring Student Success!  

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