Southern Africa contributors
Lonely Planet is commissioning new guidebooks in several countries across southern Africa and we're looking to expand our pool of expert writers across the region.

We're looking for people with a deep love and knowledge of the country with great writing skills. You should be living there or have travelled through it extensively in the last 18 months.

Deadline: 10 April
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Which destinations would you class yourself an expert in?
What makes you an expert for your chosen destination? Do you live there? Are you from there? How often do you travel there? *
In 90 words or less, tell us why you love your expert region(s). Be as specific as possible. *
In 90 words, give one suggestion for something to do while visiting. It can be anything but think about how you would describe your favourite thing to do to a close friend. *
Portfolio Links: Share any links to your previous work that might help us make a decision
Do you have any other skills we should know about?
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