Week of Oct. 2nd, 2017
This homework is due on Friday, October 6th, 2017
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Language: Please copy the following passage and add the correct punctuation marks.             Title: hot dogs. Paragraph: janie helped her father roast hot dogs on the campfire first she put a hot dog on a long stick next she held the stick so the hot dog was just above the fire after a few minutes she turned the hot dog over finally she removed the hot dog from the fire and placed it in a bun *
Math: Round these numbers to the nearest hundred: 9,820 / 5,470 / 6,233 / 2,930 / 4,881 / 3,027 / 545 / 4,710 / 2,889 *
Math: Practice multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4 and 5. *
Name: *
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