Sponsorship Opportunities
When:  June 25, 2022
Where:  Central Park
Time:  11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
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Want to help support wellness for the students, staff and community of School City of Mishawaka?
Why not take advantage of this sponsorship opportunity?  You can help School City of Mishawaka extend a healthy living message from school to home while making community connections that support health and wellness.  Donations collected will be used to purchase refreshments that will be provided to mental health fair attendees with any additional funds received going toward future health and wellness opportunities for the students, staff, and community of School City of Mishawaka.  

All sponsors who provide a minimum donation of $150 will have their logo included on One Day in the Sun promotional material.  

Commitment must be received by May 20, 2022 to be included in promotional materials.  Please contact Jenny Sanders directly at 574-254-4504 or sandersj@mishawaka.k12.in.us if you have any questions.  

Name of Organization
Name of contact from Organization
Phone number and email address
Sponsorship Opportunities *
Sponsorship Instructions
Please make checks payable to School City of Mishawaka and mail to the attention of Jenny Sanders, 1402 South Main St., Mishawaka, IN 46544.  Submit your high resolution logo (vector, jpg, or png) via email to sandersj@mishawaka.k12.in.us.  Thank you for your commitment to the students, staff and community of School City of Mishawaka.  
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