Volunteer Recognition Nomination Form
In order to increase the amount of formal and frequent recognition of the substantial amount of volunteering that makes Hopkinton special, the town is pleased to announce that a simple and actionable process has been developed to ensure volunteers are recognized for their contributions in a more consistent manner. If you are a Hopkinton resident and wish to nominate a volunteer (resident or out-of-towner) whose significant accomplishments and/or sustained involved has added to the quality of life in Hopkinton, please go to the town website and complete the Volunteer Recognition Nomination Form.  All forms will be reviewed by a group of town residents and town officials.  Approved nominations will be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen for public recognition.

Once this form is submitted - it will automatically be routed to the Town Manager's Office for action. If you have any questions, please contact the Town Manager's office at 508-497-9701

The first question below that asks for Email address is the email address for the Form Submitter (the person filling out this form).
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Email *
Nominator's Name *
Nominator's phone number
Nominee's Name *
Nominee's email address
Nominee's phone number
Nominee's address (if known)
Please explain the nominee's role and your reason for this nomination *
Please explain how the nominee's contributions have impacted the town *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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