CODS Competition ID (CIN) Registration
Beginning in the 2022-23 Season, all CODS Competitors are required to sign-up for a Competition Identity Number (CIN) in order to participate in any of our competitions for this following season.

Providing a CIN will help signing up for competitions in the future be a quick process.


Please double-check to ensure that all of the information below is valid. A third party may not register as you.

For more information about our competitions, please refer to our links here:
Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your birthday? *
Requirement. You must be 13 years or older to take part in CODS Competitions.
What country do you represent? *
Please do note that it is recommended that whatever country you are residing in consistent with the country you are representing.
What is your discord tag? If you do not have a discord, type N/A. *
Have you participated in any CODS Competitions within the past year? *
Past year: Season of 2022; ACOT '21, WCC '21, SOCC '22, SChO '22 
Release. Do you grant us permission to use your full name and country in award ceremonies and competition records? *
By granting us permission to use your (the participant's) full name and country in award ceremonies and competition, we will only use these factors during our award ceremonies and will not be used for any kind of advertisements we put out there.

By providing valid information about yourself, we, the CODS organization, agree to:
  1. Protect any personal information about yourself and not release without the consent of the user to the public;
  2. Not utilize personal information for any other purpose than CODS Competitions;
  3. Keep any personal information in our cloud server for no more two (2) years upon registration (excluding awarded participants);
  4. Delete within two weeks upon request regarding any personal information (both public and private) regarding the participant if they wish not to have their name out in the public;

Do you agree to our honor policy? *
For all of our competition(s), please note that our honor policy applies:

As a participant of CODS Competition, I, a competitor, agree to demonstrate academic honesty and maintain the integrity of the competition by not giving or obtaining any unfair advantage that include, but are not limited to:
  1. Unauthorized exchange of information during a competition or while others are participating in a competition,
  2. Copying from others during a competition,
  3. Using authorized materials (electronically on calculators or cell phones or cheat notes) during the duration of a competition unless otherwise specified,
  4. Copying parts of the competition papers and giving it to other participants who have to take the exam,
  5. Violating any other specific procedures specified by our rulebook,
  6. Unpermitted collaboration on competition papers,
  7. Unauthorized prior knowledge and/or use of unreleased competition papers,
  8. Having another individual participate in the competition to prepare or preview the competition papers in an online setting,
  9. Creating multiple accounts to take multiple attempts of the same competition paper
Please note that you are limited to one attempt for each competition. A honor code violation of our policies stated above will result in a one-year suspension from our competitions and any other ISODN competitions that plan to take place within that designated time period.
Would you like emails notifying you of upcoming competitions?
Would you like emails notifying you of competition-related opportunities, such as the physical proctoring outreach?
Would you like Discord direct messages (DMs) notifying you of upcoming competitions?
You will receive your CIN in the email you used to fill out this form.
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