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Christ Connection Card
Thank you for joining us in worship today. Please let us know that you were here by filling out the form below.
Gracias por acompañarnos en la adoración de hoy. Por favor, háganos saber que estuvo aquí completando el siguiente formulario.
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* Indicates required question
Name (Nombre)
Your answer
I (We) attended worship (Yo (nosotras) asistimos a la adoración):
5:30 pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
Online - Traditional
Online - Contemporary
I am (we are):
Regular attender
1st Time Visitor
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Address (only if new)
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Phone number (only if new)
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Email address (only if new)
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Click below for those opportunities on which you'd like contact or more information:
I am interested in becoming a member of Christ UMC
I would like a personal contact from a pastor
I would like to receive church updates by email
I would like more information on the following:
Adult Sunday School
Children's Sunday School
Youth Group
Hispanic Ministries
Chancel Choir
Handbell Choir
Small Groups
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Women
Any other questions or things that you'd like to share with the church staff:
Your answer
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