Culture Shifters Collective | Registration Form
The Culture Shifters Collective is a group of young residents dedicated to combating gun violence and seeing Philadelphia be better for all of us. In order to join the Collective, you must be currently attending high school in the School District of Philadelphia.

Our goal is to strategize, organize, and execute programming, special events, and policy recommendations in an effort to move the needle on the epidemic of violence in our communities and make our city a safer place for our peers.

We will do this by:
  • Meeting regularly with City officials and local elected officials about ongoing efforts to combat violence
  • Being a source for existing City & community resources help alleviate violence: jobs, mental health/wellness care, after-school programming, summer opportunities, etc. 
  • Drafting policy recommendations to share with the administration
  • Organizing townhalls/special events around public safety where youth voice is prioritized
  • Serving as the point of contact for our schools as it relates to engagement from the City of Philadelphia and the Mayor's Office of Youth Engagement 

The Mayor's Office of Youth Engagement will select (1) ambassador from each of the School District's 56 high schools to be a part of this incredible coalition.

We can do this, ya'll.

Looking forward to working together. 

-Team OYE
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Full Name:
Cell Phone Number: *
Email Address:
What area of the city are you from?
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Zip Code:
Name of High School:
What grade are you in?
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Please list any clubs/sports teams that you participate in or outside of school:
Do you serve in any leadership roles in the aforementioned clubs/sports teams?
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Why do want to be a part of the Culture Shifters Collective?
Will you be able to commit to meeting on a monthly basis?
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Are you interested in serving in a leadership role for the Culture Shifters Collective?
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Anything else we should know about you? Special talents/interests/skills?
Twitter/Instagram Name:
Thank you.
You don't even know how honored we are that you took the time to fill out this questionnaire. We are so inspired by your commitment to making our City a better place for your peers.

We promise to stand by you in these efforts a you lead the way forward. 

We will be in touch in the New Year (2023) to share next steps.

Until then: take care of each other and have a peaceful holiday season. 

-Team OYE

If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to DM us on Instagram @PHLYouth or email us at
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