Memorable Personal Brand - Mastermind with Lauren V. Davis (INTEREST LIST)
(This interest form is not your application nor does it commit you, it is purely to indicate your interest so I can send you more information)

You've made it a goal to get on stage more, to get more podcast guesting opportunities, and get featured in more articles but you're not sure where to start. You want to show up on social media but struggle to know how to be yourself online and also make money without feeling burnt out or burdened by the task.
I want to help you and introduce you to my friends.

Join me as your business coach, along with a small intimate group of peers, in productive and proactive discussion every other week with hotseats and special guest expert speakers every quarter!
Let's work together to:

☺ Develop your personal brand strategy.
☺ Learn how to create income streams with your personal brand.
☺ Craft real relationships with clients who want to buy from you.
☺ Push through challenges and limiting beliefs.
☺ Find you qualified speaking engagements, podcast guesting gigs, publication interviews and more.
☺ Optimize your online profiles for more engagement with the right customers.
☺ Shift your mindset into an aligned space where you are completely free to be yourself as you build a memorable presence.
☺ Bi-weekly calls with me and your peers, hot-seat think-tanks, community, and expert trainings.

I would love to answer any questions you have directly at

If you have questions, please ask and if you are interested, sign up today and reserve your seat. Let's work on your business together in the Memorable Personal Brand Mastermind.
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"I am interested in hearing more about your next co-hort / mastermind launching in soon!” *
Will range from $75-$175 per month. (This interest form does not commit you to joining, and is not your application, it is purely to indicate your interest)
Tell me a little about your business/business idea, what is it called, what do you do, what do you love?
What time are you interested in:
Your email address *
Your Name *
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