Application for a Quota Increase
With this form, you can request a temporary extension of your user quota in

Since is a public service that we provide for free, we need to be responsible and fair when using the shared resources.

So, before requesting it, please make sure that:
- you are processing your data in batches,
- you are following our tips to clean up your account:

If none of the above works for your specific case, please submit your request and we will try to accommodate your needs. Please bear in mind that the change will be effective in a maximum of 48 hours after granted and that you might need to log out and in to see the change in your account. After the extension period requested ends, your quota will be back to the standard 250 GB: your data won't be removed, but you won't be able to launch any jobs in Galaxy until you free up space and are again under 250 GB.

Finally, we would very much appreciate it if you could support the Galaxy Project by citing our service as described in And we would also appreciate it if you could share with us some information about your project, why Galaxy is useful for you, etc. in the form of a blog post. Some examples have been already published on our website:

If you wish to have your use case published, please get in touch with a description and an image (if available).

Your support is essential to keep this service up and running for free. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

European Galaxy team
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