College and Walnut Corridor Study: Application for appointment to the Steering Committee
This form is to apply to be appointed to the Steering Committee for the College and Walnut Corridor Study. There are many opportunities for residents to participate in the corridor study outside of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will meet approximately 4 times in 2023. Each meeting will be about 1.5 hours. Members of the Steering Committee will be interested in the Corridor Study, open to discussing options, and willing to promote public engagement events for the study.

Steering Committee appointments could: have specialized knowledge in transportation, the built environment, land use, climate change, or other related area; own or work in a business or organization along the corridor study area; live near the Corridor Study; or have other qualifications that further the goals of the study.   
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Home address *
Home zip code *
Please share why you are interested in serving on the Steering Committee for the Corridor Study:  *
Please share what experiences, perspective, or expertise you are interested in contributing to the Steering Committee: 
Please discuss how you will invite others and encourage attendance at Corridor Study public meetings and events. *
Is there anything else you would like to add? 
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