Red Hook Dog Rescue: Become A Foster!
                                                                               Brooklyn, NY 11231

(We understand that this is very long, but being a foster is a key step in making sure that our rescued dogs end up in fantastic homes. Some dogs need a lot of help making the transition from shelter or street to a home, and we want to make sure that our fosters are willing and able to help us do this).  Thank you for your understanding!
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Home Phone:
Work address:
Work Phone:
Are you over 21 years of age?
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Why do you want to foster?
Have you had dogs in the past? When?
Which animal would you like to foster?
What are you looking for in a dog?
What do you like most about dogs?
What do you like least about having a dog?
Who will be the primary caregiver of the dog?
How soon would you be able to foster?
IF the dog you are hoping to foster is a pit bull or pit bull type dog:
Are you familiar with the characteristics and temperament of these dogs?
Why do you want to foster a dog of this breed? (American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, etc..)
As you know, pitbulls have gotten a bad rap lately.  We feel that they are very special dogs and a great pit is worth its weight in gold. As a responsible owner, part of your job is to be their PR person and an educator.  Please go to  and read as much as possible. Thanks!  
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Are there any bans or breed specific laws in your area?  
Type of Residence
Do you rent or own?
How long have you lived at your current residence?
Are you allowed to have pets?
If you live in an apartment
Landlord’s name, address, and phone number  
Is there a size restriction on dogs in your building?
If apartment or condo, what floor?
Do you have window guards or screens?
Do you have a backyard or a terrace?
If yes, is it enclosed?
If a fenced-in yard:
How high is the fence?
What type of fencing is it?
What size area is fenced in?
Are there both sunny & shady areas?
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If you have no fence, how do you plan to exercise the dog?  
Where will the dog relieve him/herself?
How many hours would the dog be left alone?
Where would he/she be when left alone?
Where will the dog sleep?
Do you travel often?
Who would care for the dog in your absence?  
What sort of training do you plan on providing?
If we could help you with training, would that be of interest to you?
Would you be willing to take the dog to an obedience class (we cover costs)
(Usually once a week, for 6-8 weeks)
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Please list all those living in your home (Name, relation, age)
Does anyone have any allergies to pets?
Is anyone afraid of dogs?
Has anyone in your household ever been bitten by a dog?
What is your household activity level?
(quiet, busy, people/kids running in and out all day, just a brief description )
Who would be walking the dog?
How often?
What other type of exercise do you plan?
What would you do if the dog were destructive while you were gone?
What would you do if you felt that the dog were misbehaving? (eg. excessive barking, house-training accidents, stealing food from the counter or table)
Do you have a crate?
Do you have any pets now?
Please list for each pet: Their name, the type of animal, age, sex, if spayed/neutered)
Please provide the names, addresses & phone numbers of 3 people not related to you (it would be great if one were a neighbor)
How did you hear about Red Hook Dog Rescue?
Please provide any other information which you feel would be relevant:
If you have had pets in the past, where are they now?
If any are deceased, please give name, date & brief history
Have you ever taken a dog to a shelter?
If yes, please explain:
Do you have a local vetenarian?
Please give name, address & phone number:
If your dog needs veterinary care, would you be willing to take it to a vet visit?
(Vet visits are typically weekdays, 10-6, We also have other vets we occasionally use but all vets visits must be with one of our vets.)
Will you be able to keep the dog until placement as is expected  (could be several months)?
If you are not able to commit to keeping dog until placement at this point, and are instead applying to be short term foster placement, please specify time line (e.g. 48 hours, one week, etc).
As a foster home for Red Hook Dog Rescue we expect frequent contact and progress reports from you.  Are you willing to do so?  
I certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that completion of this form in no way guarantees my ability to foster a dog.  I further understand that the completion of this form is only the first step in the foster process and that should I wish to further this process, an in-home screening will follow.
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