主日实体崇拜登记 (1-5-2022)
Until otherwise advised, we are still taking pre-registrations for in-person services at church to manage capacity (limit 65).  Registration will be closed when all the available places are taken to ensure that our church complies with capacity restrictions (from our host). Information collected will only be used for COVID notifications and will be deleted after two weeks.

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Red level in-person worship guidelines 红色级别实体崇拜指引
If you feel SICK or are presenting any symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection, please  S T A Y   A T   H O M E  and join our online service. We will scan to verify your vaccine pass for entry (site owner requirement). We will also require all congregation members to wear face masks, use hand sanitizers upon arrival, and try to remain seated 1 metre away from people outside your household.
If you have attended a service in person and subsequently test positive for COVID-19 (either PCR or RAT), please notify RCMC.worship@cmcnz.org.nz immediately.

如果您收到阳性的 covid-19 测试结果,请立即通知我们 RCMC.worship@cmcnz.org.nz
Full Name (姓名)one name per form(每人一表格)e.g. family of four = 4 forms 注:一家四口请填4份 *
Phone number (电话) *
Email Address (电邮)
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