Event registration
Small Tournament for all of our Waman Students
Compete in multiple divisions
Open to all students, absolute beginners to advanced
Following COVID Restrictions, Safety is our Number 1 Priority
Registration Fee is $30
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Please send Registration Fee of $30 using e-transfer to: kuro@sasktel.net                                   
Given the chances of unforeseen changes in COVID restrictions, we ask that you hold payment until the day of the competition to prevent the need of providing refunds.
Athletes Last Name *
Athletes First Name *
Email *
Athletes Age *
Athletes Belt *
Select Divisions-Martial arts tournament: Saturday *
Kyodu is Japanese long bow. They will have to hit a target and be scored on accuracy and form.  Chicktack is an extreme X's & O's. Kage Kumite is shadow boxing where the competitor is scored on footwork, movement, techniques, blocks and intensity)
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