Care Corner Orphanage Foundation Volunteer Application
152, Moo12, Ban Don Ton, Tambon Yuwa, Amphur Sanpatong, Chiangmai 50120, Thailand.

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This form is to be completed and returned to Care Corner Orphanage Foundation

Complete each item in the form that applies to you and insert the words “Nil” or “NA” against items, which do not apply to you.

Copies of each of the following should be attached to this form:
1. Birth Certificate and/or documentary evidence in support of your birth.
2. All educational, academic, professional certificates, testimonials and etc.

Particulars, which are found to be false, will disqualify you, or if you are already appointed, you will be liable for dismissal. The willful suppression of facts will be similarly penalized.
1. Personal Particulars
Full Name *
Sex *
Home Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
ID or Passport Number *
Date of Birth *
Country of Birth *
Citizenship *
Marital Status *
Religion *
Family Details
Particulars of Parents & Siblings (For Single Applicant)
Particulars of Spouse & Children (For Married Applicant)

Name, Relationship, Age, Occupation *
Educational Details
Tertiary Education,  Name of Institution,  From-To, Diploma/Degree
High School Education, Name of School, Highest Standard Passed *
Other Education Info, Courses Attended, Highest Standard Passed
Knowledge of Languages
Written *
Spoken *
Employment Details
Start with present employment & followed by past employment in chronological order.
(Include temporary work & vocational training)
From -To, Name of Organization, Position Held, Income per Yr, Reason for Leaving *
Character Referees
At least two referees
Name, Address/Email/Phone, Occupation, Years Known *
Church Affiliation
Name of Church, Pastor/Leader, Address/Email/Phone
Ministry Experience
Are you involved in any ministries/services in the church/Christian organization? *
If ”yes”, please describe:
Please answer the following
Have you ever been convicted in a court in any country? *
Have you ever been dismissed or suspended from or gazetted out the services of any company? *
Have you any obligations under promissory notes either as principal or surety? *
Do you have any physical disabilities or handicap? *
If ”yes” for any of the above, please give explanation:
How will you be supported when you come (THβ 25,000 Baht/Month; THβ 7,000 Baht/Week), and how long are you planning to stay? Care Corner will provide food & accommodation. *
If you are accepted as a volunteer, when can you start your service and how long are you planning to stay? *
If you are accepted as a volunteer, when can you start your service and how long are you planning to stay? *
What volunteer and/or travel experience do you have? *
What is your main motivation and reason for wanting to volunteer in this orphanage? *
Thailand is very different than the societies where most of our volunteers are from. Therefore, the attributes of flexibility, patience and cultural sensitivity are very, very important. Please give an example from your experience about your flexibility, patience and cultural sensitivity. *
The two main reasons as to why people participate in international volunteer projects is to contribute to the host organization or group of people they’ve come to volunteer with, and to gain through their volunteer experience. How do you feel you’ll be able to contribute to Care Corner Orphanage you have selected and what do you believe you’ll be able to gain through your experience in volunteering? *
I declare that all particulars given in this application are true and correct and that I have not
willfully suppressed any material fact. I understand that I am liable for dismissal by Care
Corner Orphanage if the information given above are subsequently found to be untrue.
Today's Date *
Your Name *
Please email a recent photo, a copy of your birth certificate, and any educational transcripts to 
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