歡迎你加入綠色和平義工行列 / Welcoming you to join Greenpeace's volunteer work!

感謝你報名成為綠色和平的義工!/ Thank you for signing up as a Greenpeace volunteer!

為了加深我們對你的認識,讓我們更有效地安排義工活動給你,希望你能回答以下問題/ In order to deepen our understanding of you and effectively arrange volunteer activities, we hope you can answer the following questions. 

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姓名 / Name *
年齡 / Age *
聯絡電話 / Phone number *
電郵地址 / Email address  *
職業 / Occupation

綠色和平的工作包括政策研究﹑實地考察﹑社區活動及行動/ 活動等,因此我們有多方面的工作需要義工協助。/ Greenpeace's work includes policy research, fieldwork, community activities and actions/activities. Therefore, we require volunteer assistance in many aspects of our work. *
請跟據你的喜好挑出「很有興趣」、「有興趣」及「沒有興趣」的工作:/ Please select jobs that are "very interesting", "interesting" and "not interesting" according to your preferences:
很有興趣 / Very interested
有興趣 / Interested
沒有興趣 / Not interested
1. 文書工作及資料整理 / Paperwork and data compiling;
2. 政策研究/ Policy research;
3. 活動籌劃,道具製作/ Event planning and producing props;
4. 多媒體製作/ Multimedia production;
5. 協助舉辦社區活動 / Assisting in organizing community activities;
6. 參與行動/活動 / Participate in actions/activities

Please tell us briefly why you are interested in becoming a Greenpeace volunteer? (Maximum word count: 100 words)
願意投入義工服務的頻率與方式 / Indicate your wish for frequency and method of volunteering  *
你的專才及其他義工經驗 / Your expertise and other volunteer experience
例子: 戶外活動、木工、電工、翻譯、化妝等 /  Examples: Outdoor activities, carpentry, electrician, translation, makeup, etc.
居住地區 / Area of residence *
語言 / Languages *
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