Report problems: blight, nuisances, previous criminal behavior.
Use this form to report blight, nuisances, and any crimes or suspicious activities that were not reported to CCNA when they occurred.  This report goes to the CCNA neighborhood watch leaders who will use it to identify problem areas in the neighborhood.  Your name and contact information is necessary to deal with the problem, but they will not be made public.  
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Your name *
Email address *
phone number *
Type of incident *
Steet where problem occurred *
House number *
If a specific address is involved, include the house number.  If an area, include the block number, eg. "500"
Describe the blight or nuisance problem in detail.
What have you done to deal with the problem?
Our neighborhood watch volunteers have limited time.  It is important that you do what you can to deal with the problems that you see.  Check the CCNA website under "neighborhood resources" and "dealing with problems" for ideas about how you can begin to resolve the issue.  
If a crime or suspicious activity is involved, give the time and date of the occurance,  decribe the suspect(s) and vehicle(s).  
Give as much detail as you can about people:  age, height, weight, sex, race, hair color & style, glasses, clothing, shoes, hat, facial hair, tattoos or scars, gait or limp, etc.   For vehicles: license number, make, year, color, body style (2-door, van, etc), identifing dents or scratches.      
Was the above crime or suspicious activity reported to the police?
Is there anything else you want us to know?
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