2023 Title I Family Day
      WHAT?    You are invited  to attend Title I Family Day at Sheboygan Falls Elementary School.  During this special day you will  learn about our school-wide Title I services and receive ideas for helping support your child’s learning in daily life.  You will also have time for a short visit to your child's classroom.

       WHEN?    A breakfast and morning classroom visit has been selected for each grade level.  Please select the day or days you are attending. Your time will begin with a gathering of parents from the grade level in the cafeteria (or room B107 for PM 4k) for a light snack and presentation.  You will end in your child's classroom for a short visit.  

  ***Please park in the main lot and come in the front entrance (door 2)  to sign in when you arrive.  If you have more than one child in the building, feel free to pick one classroom to come to if you are unable to visit them all on the days

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Haga clic derecho, haga clic en "Traductor de Google"/"Google Translate"
1. Haga clic derecho (clic con dos dedos)
2. Haga clic en "Traducir al inglés"/"Translate to English"
3. Haga clic en "Opciones"/"Options"
4. Haga clic en "Idioma de traducción"/"Translation Language" y elija su idioma
5. Haga clic en "Listo"/"Done"

If you would like this in another language, follow these steps:
Right Click, Click "Google Translate"
1. Right-click (two-finger click)
2. Click "Translate to English"
3. Click "Options"
4. Click "Translation language" and Choose Your language
5. Click "Done"
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Name of Student(s) *
What day will you be attending?  Please select the day/days you will be attending. *
How many adults will attend Monday, October 30th (4K)?
How many adults will attend Monday, October 23rd
How many adults will attend Tuesday, October 24th
How many adults will attend Wednesday, October 25th
How many adults will attend Thursday, October 26th
How many adults will attend Friday, October 27th?
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