Enterprise Development Survey
Help OSE build the Global Village Construction Set

OSE has many tech development projects in the works--from concept design to prototyping to beta testing.There are different ways to get involved, from Design Sprints to enterprise startup. Please see various options at https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Getting_Involved. By collaborating with OSE you agree to make a  work open source under the CC-BY-SA or other OSHWA-compliant hardware license or FSF/OSI compliant software license. This means that you can collaborate with OSE under its brand and license, or replicate this work independently free of charge. We encourage both - as we pursue collaborative design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance.

Here we survey the skill sets of participants interested in collaboration at the enterprise development level - focusing on Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camps, Summers of Extreme Design-Build, Enterprise Training, startup of production enterprises around the Global Village Construction Set, and more.

Please be brief and to the point - as this is a survey and is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment, but part of a process that gives our team a good sense of where you are at in various areas.

We respect your privacy. We do not sell or give away your information to third parties, and will use this list only towards the public interest mission of Open Source Ecology, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered in the United States of America.

If you have questions, please contact info at opensourceecology dot org.
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Name *
Preferred Email address *
OSE will send Design Sprint announcements, agenda and schedule to your preferred email
Are you interested in running Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camps? If so, when would you be able to pass the instructor exam for technical proficiency? https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Instructor_Exam  *
Are you interested in participating in the Open Source Microfactory Incentive Challenge?  Are you interested in running a distributed manufacturing enterprise in your home town that produces professional grade, open source cordless drills from waste plastic? enterprishttps://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/OSE_Incentive_Challenge . How do you think you could contribute to the collaboration? *
Are  you interested in producing physical goods in your community according to the model of the Open Source Everything Store?  https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Open_Source_Everything_Store Have you taken any steps in this direction? *
What is your experience with teaching or public presentations? Would you be interested in serving as an instructor at the OSE Summers of Extreme Design-Build? https://www.opensourceecology.org/summer-x-2020/.  Please list all relevant experience so we get a feel for your experience, and include links to any of your presentations, videos, course materials that you created, websites you wrote, etc. *
What is your level of experience in building things? Please list things you have built, your hands-on skills in CNC machine builds, automation, mechatronics, fabrication, construction, farming, civil works projects, and other areas of hands-on builds. *
Do you use or write open source design or engineering software? Please list all the open source/libre software that you use spanning any area of design or engineering. *
What is your level of experience in collaborative, open source, or public interest  projects? Have you managed or facilitated public interest projects? Do you consider yourself a super-cooperator? Include links to your work if relevant. *
What is your level of experience in enterprise startup?Please list your work and include links - anything related to crowd funding, marketing, sales, product strategy, business development, operations, legal, product development, business planning, etc. *
Do you consider yourself a big-picture thinker,  generalist, and systems transformer? Are you interested in solving problems greater than yourself? Please list any experience or work that you have done in this area. *
What do you think is one or more pressing world issue(s) affecting humanity, and what steps have you taken to influence this issue to a positive solution?
Have you considered participating in an effort of collaborative, open source product development - as the opposite of mainstream, proprietary research and development ? Can you envision a viable enterprise model that could be created around such an effort? If so, what would that be?
What does 'ethical enterprise' mean to you?
What would be your ideal work that you would be passionate about doing?
Are there any questions that we can answer for you regarding our work and services?
Any other comments/ qeustions?
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