Employee Perspectives
Hiring the right candidate and the best fit, for a company or team is very challenging. Those challenges are unique depending on the industry. The good thing however, is that most companies are actually beginning to admit the challenges and difficulties of hiring. They are also willing to take on solutions that enhance it’s hiring processes.

So, to be able to comprehend the problems fully, before coming up with any viable solutions, it is important to understand how the employee perceive these issues.
This survey has questions that will give you an idea of a specific issue and, we please request that you give us as much accurate detail on the issue where possible — It shouldn’t take long 🙂
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1. Are you currently Employed? *
2. What industry do you currently work in? *
3. How long have you been in the industry you currently work in? *
4. How easy is it for you to obtain job opportunities in your professional field? *
5. What are your major challenges when it comes to changing or finding a new job? *
6. How long have you been with your current employer? *
7. What's the maximum time you've searched for employment before achieving a new job? *
8. I'm considering new job opportunities right now. *
9. How many companies did you interview with before landing your current or previous role? *
10. What’s the worst job interview you’ve ever had so far in your career?
11. Are you currently interviewing for a new position? *
12. If you are currently employed, how inclined are you to change your current role? *
13. What's the minimum time you've searched for employment before achieving a new job? *
14. Would you consider interviewing for other jobs even when employed and happy? *
15. How many interview stages did you go through before achieving your current or previous role? *
16. I would prefer a company reach out to me directly instead of me applying for the Job? *
17. How often do you check the job market for new job opportunities? *
18. Many people dislike interview processes. Do you feel the same? *
19. I'm critical with job descriptions before applying? *
20. What do you dislike the most about interviewing?
21. How did you land your current or previous job? *
22. When it comes to job hunting, which would you prefer the most? *
23. Which of these are a concern to you when it comes to applying for a job? *
24. What's the best interview process you’ve had?
25. I have multiple versions of my CV that I use depending on the job application? *
26. Where do you mostly go to search for jobs? *
27. I wish more companies used only Profile CV's (like LinkedIn) but were private. *
28. What attracts you most to want to work for a company? *
29. I like to know how much I will be paid before applying for a job. *
30. Does the size of the company matter to you? *
31.  I love working with recruitment agents. *
32. Would you apply for a job you don't completely qualify for? *
33. What's your take on recruitment agents?
34. Companies aren't always transparent in their interview processes. *
35. I like to read reviews about a company's interview process before attending the interview? *
36. Do you write back to inform the HR about how your interview went? *
37. I always want to know why I failed an interview. *
38. I think most interviews go bad because of the interviewer. *
39. Have you ever been discriminated in an interview? *
40. Accessible public reviews about a company's interview process is a great idea and should be more available. *
41. What's the maximum time (in days) that you've waited to hear back from a job application? *
42. Salary or Equity (Stocks & Shares)? *
43. What aspects of recruitment do you think needs enhancing?
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