ML+X Forum / ML+Coffee Registration, Sept
Please fill out this form to register for one or both of the upcoming ML+X community events:
  • ML+X Forum kickoff, 9/10, 12-1pm (Orchard View, Discovery Building + Zoom): The monthly forum event typically highlights one or two machine learning (ML) applications followed by communal discussions and project feedback. For the kickoff forum on 9/10, we will focus on welcoming folks back and discuss the new Nexus platform we are building in the community, including a short demo on how to contribute to the platform.

  • ML+Coffee, 9/11, 9-11am (Room 1145, Discovery Building): The monthly ML+Coffee social brings together ML practitioners across campus so that we can connect with one another, discuss and work on ML projects, and enjoy some caffeinated refreshments ☕. Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops and/or any questions about ML.
Name *
Email Address (wisc domain, if available) *
Are you currently enrolled in a degree program at UW-Madison (undergrad, graduate, etc.)? *
This information is required for filing catering-related paperwork. You don't need to be a UW-Madison student to attend ML+X events.
Are you currently an employee at UW-Madison? *
This information is required for filing catering-related paperwork. You don't need to be a UW-Madison employee to attend ML+X events.
The ML+X community community has a google group it uses to send reminders about its upcoming events. If you aren't already a member of the google group, you can use this link to join (must be logged into a google account): *
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