Washington Maritime Blue - Membership Application
Washington Maritime Blue is a nonprofit, strategic alliance for maritime innovation and sustainability as an independent cluster organization to implement Washington State’s Strategy for the Blue Economy delivered by Governor Jay Inslee’s Maritime Innovation Advisory Council. As a partnership between industry, public sector, research & training institutions, and community organizations the mission is to create a world-class, thriving, and sustainable maritime industry through knowledge sharing, collaborative R&D, commercialization, business and workforce development.

Thank you for your interest and support to join Washington Maritime Blue, a strategic alliance for maritime innovation and sustainability.  Please fill out the form below and email a high-resolution logo in PNG or JPG format to info@maritimeblue.org.  We will respond in short order.
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Type of Membership (see membership benefits below)                                        
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Membership / Sponsorship Benefits
For further description of membership benefits, the full scope of work of the cluster organization, news releases, events, etc., visit our webpage: www.maritimeblue.org - or -feel free to contact us: info@maritimeblue.org.
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