Project Citizen Interview
Please answer the questions below with full consideration.
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How old are you?
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Has your school year been stressful at all so far?
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Do you have a job or are you planning on getting a job soon?
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If you have a job or have applied, how ready did you feel? Were you prepared for the interview? Did you know how to do this?
Do you know how to do taxes?
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If you said yes above, who taught you?
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Do you feel ready to become an adult? Do you feel ready to take on the responsibilities and roles an adult does? Why or why not?
How good are you with people? Do you feel connected to other people or do you tend to stay away?
Do you feel that you are logical?
Do you feel that you are empathetic?
If you were required to take a life skills class throughout your schooling years, do you think you would have benefited from that?
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If you were required to take a life skills class that taught you how to apply for a job and do an interview, would you have felt more prepared?
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If you were required to take a life skills class that taught you how to do taxes, would you have felt more prepared?
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If you were required to take a life skills class that taught you social skills, empathy, and how to effectively communicate with other people, do you think you would be more prepared to become an adult and go off on your own?
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If you were required to take a life skills class that was to better prepare you for being an adult, what would you like to be taught? (ex. how to vote, how to do taxes, home ec., how to do a job interview, people skills, etc.)
How many years do you think this course should be? What age range should take this class? (ex. 6 years, middle schoolers and high schoolers)
Do you have any other thoughts regarding a life skills class?
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