Solar Cookers Distribution Globally
The purpose of this survey is to determine the number and location of solar cookers that exist in the world over time.

Distribution can include selling, donating, using, or making solar cookers.

Please complete the entire form for each separate location where solar cookers were distributed.
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What is you/your organization's name?
Where did you distribute and/or use solar cookers?
Please be as specific as is possible.  Please provide country name at least.  City and/or province preferable.
When did you start distributing and/or using solar cookers in this location?
Please provide the year at least.  More specific information is appreciated (month, date).  If you can provide yearly data, please do so as separate entries.
When did you stop distributing and/or using solar cookers in this location?
Please type "current" if you are still currently distributing solar cookers in this location.
How many solar cookers did you distribute and/or use?
What type of solar cookers did you distribute and/or use?
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Do you have any information on the use, adoption, and/or impact of the solar cookers you distributed/used?
If so, please email it to
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What is your email address?
This will only be used to follow up on the information submitted in this form.
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