The State of Agile Innovation

We are Bob Galen and Leon Sabarsky. We were having a discussion the other day in our Moose Herd group about the state of innovation in agile contexts. 

Around 2010 there was a lot of discussion around how to empower agile team innovation and tactics for fostering that innovation. But after ~2015, it seems like these discussions have waned. The focus seems to now be toward value streams, scaling framework, agile coaching, scrum guides, and the agile industrial complex.

Which made us curious as to the state of innovation today.  Is it alive and well and embedded in our agile team and organizational cultures? or not?

We appreciate your feedback in this survey and will share the results with you when we close it.

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Which of these innovation practices are you leveraging currently? *
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We believe that diverse teams are more apt to be innovative. How diverse are your teams? *
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Little/no Diversity
Continuously growing Diversity
Are you given space and time for innovation? *
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None - it's all delivery focused
We have sufficient time for innovative thinking
What is currently stopping or impeding you from innovating?
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Care to share anything else about the State of Agile Innovation in your contexts?
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