Design Your Careers Intermediate "Bollywood Dance" Workshop

The Bollywood dance integrates a variety of genres from styles including hip hop, Indian classical and folk, jazz, and salsa. Join us for a fun workshop on a style that is universally loved – Bollywood! This Workshop provides the perfect opportunity to take you to next level and you will learn advanced choreography & steps.

Level : Intermediate
Fee : $30. PayPal (
All your contributions are fully tax-exempt. Design Your Careers (DYC is 501c(3) Org) | TAX ID / FEIN: 82-5309935

When: June 22nd - June 26th
Time: 5.30 PM - 6.30 PM Class (1 hour session)
Zoom Meeting Link (Details will be provided one day before class)
In case of any questions, please email or text 650-814-4119

These classes teach proper technique, self esteem, grace, and poise. We bring high energy, great music, and fun combinations to every class. Whether you are experienced or novice, we love to have you.
You won't want to miss this! Simply dance with us and experience the difference.

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I am voluntarily participating in the workshops and my participation in DYC activity entirely at my own risk. I hereby release Design Your Careers (DYC) including its members & volunteers from any type of injury while participating in this volunteer-driven workshop. I also understand that there shall be photos taken while classes are in progress for the website or marketing purposes. *
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