Pine Island Hall of Fame Nomination
Any alumni or friends of Pine Island Schools may submit the name of nominees from the following criteria: A candidate for induction into the Pine Island Athletic Hall of Fame must satisfy the qualifications in one of the following categories.

Athlete (eligible 10 years after graduation):
*Dominate high school career and/or have career milestones
*Held school records
*Went on to play in college and or professional sport
*State Champion

*10 years of head coach or 15 years as a coach
*12 years of service as athletic/activities director
*State Champion
*Athlete that played at Pine Island and was successful
*Legendary coach at another school or college

Distinguished Service Award:
*to honor an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the interscholastic athletic programs at Pine Island Schools. The nominee does not have to be a graduate of Pine Island School

Team Award:
*Must be 10 years from playing
*Must made significant contributions to the sports program

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