Finance Officer (Ref No:PMU/ABJ/FO/001)
Location: Abuja
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Full Name (Surname first) *
Address: *
Age *
Sex *
Mobile Number *
Email Address *
Qualifications. Example: B.Sc, Masters, PhD., ACCA, ACA, etc. *
Working Experience:
Starting from the most recent, kindly list your last three (3) working experiences. Answer should be in this format: Name of Organization, Position held, Working duration, NGO experience on this Job.   Example: ARFH, IT Officer, 2012 - 2015, 2 years. *
Do you have any working experience on flow of funds and associated risks associated with Grant management? *
Are you computer literate? *
Are you versatile in MS Office-Excel and other Accounting packages? *
Do you have any working experience with Centralized Accounting System (CAS)? *
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