Professional Development Survey
This is a survey conducted by Lucy Gray, Director of Educational Technology at North Shore Country Day School, on professional learning programs in schools.

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Email Address:
(OPTIONAL) Leave your email address if you would like a copy of the results sent to you.
Your Role: *
I work at a: *
How does your leadership team or administration determine professional development priorities and goals for your school or district?
What does professional learning or professional development look like at school or in your district? *
Briefly describe what professional learning/development in general looks like in your school or district.
What does professional learning look like in relation to technology and innovation within your school or district? *
Briefly describe any specific professional development efforts at your school regarding technology and innovation.
What professional development is offered to support staff at your school?
Describe any efforts or opportunities geared towards administrators, assistants, development office personnel etc?
Are there any specific experts, conferences, or readings that have influenced and informed your school's learning decisions and plans?
For example, a conference that might inform thinking about PD would be the Learning Forward conference.
Does your school track teachers' professional development in any way? *
Describe how your school documents teacher participation at internal or external professional learning events.  
If yes, does your school use a specific system?
List any specific software, tools, or products that your school uses to track professional development efforts of faculty and staff.
What professional learning activities are offered in your school or district? *
Not Present
Twitter chats
Webinars and video conferences
Book study groups
Asynchronous resources (newsletters, tutorials, etc.)
Professional learning communities
Release time for planning and collaboration with colleagues
Learning walks
Lesson studies
Peer coaching
Instructional coaching
Classroom visits
School site visits
Workshops conducted in my school or district
Summer bootcamps, institutes, or conferences on campus
Outside speakers and workshops on campus
Local conferences
National conferences
List any other professional learning activities offered by your school not mentioned above.
 How do you incentivize teachers to participate in your professional learning programs? *
What are some challenges or barriers to developing your professional learning program? *
Not a challenge
Somewhat challenging
Very challenging
School Culture
Teacher Incentives
Teacher Buy-In
Administrative Support
Institutional vision
How is your school or district evaluating their professional learning programs?
Anything else you'd like to share or add regarding professional learning at your school?
Feel free to share additional insights and/or any links to your school's programs, favorite resources etc.
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