Gamers Feud Staff Application
We want to build the best possible team to back Gamers Feud to help it become the best and most entertaining show possible with an amazing team behind it.

While our staff is currently all working with us on a volunteer basis we hope to make this an occupation for everyone involved if we reach that higher status.
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What is your Name?

Content creation name (You can put real first name if you are comfortable saying that but it IS NOT required)
What is your Discord and the link to the social media platform you stream or primarily make content for?  *
What time zone are you in?

Gamers Feud will host meetings occasionally and we need to know everyone's availability to schedule them at a time everyone is available
Which position would you say you'd want to do with Gamers Feud as your primary role? (Reminder that currently all positions are voluntary and unpaid) *
If you want to take on multiple position(s) the which are you looking to acquire with the Gamers Feud team?

(Reminder: If you want to do multiple roles then select those other roles and keep in mind that currently all positions are voluntary and unpaid)
What do you believe you bring to the table in regards to joining the Gamers Feud staff? *
If you have watched the show before, what would you add to the show or change to improve the show or better accommodate people entering our events?
Expectations of Gamers Feud Staff Members
  • Be respectful of the contestants and other staff members
  • Positively represent Gamers Feud in your day to day
  • Moderate the show when you are available
  • Take part in meetings
  • Stay present and responsive as a staff member and remain actively engaged
  • Create questions for the shows
  • Fill in gaps that may be empty if others are not pulling their weight
Weekly Life of Staff Members
  • Selecting shows to help moderate 
  • Create questions for the trivia gameshows
  • Save clips during the shows for us to use in social media posts
  • Review any rule changes or decisions that the show makes 
  • Fulfill your specific Staff responsibilities
  • Assist during a show once or twice a week (Moderating a Wednesday and OR Saturday show)
  • Assist outside the show once a week (Making questions, Finding creators, Creating Graphics, Editing Clips, etc)
Do you have any other information or comments the Gamers Feud team should know about prior to your interview? *
Next Steps to Prep for Potentially Joining The Gamers Feud Staff
  • Join the Discord and submit a photo in the #submit-photo channel
  • Schedule an interview via the Calendly
  • Write down any questions you have for the interview
  • If you're applying to be a host make sure to watch a VOD or two about the show you may want to host
  • BE ON TIME (If you are 10+ minutes late we will ask you to reschedule and that will be taken into account when doing your interview. You are an adult, we should not have to remind you to show up)
  • Understand the role you're applying for (Don't go in blind)
Thank you for your interest in joining the staff, to move forward with the next steps of joining our staff please make sure to join the Discord and post a photo in the #submit-photo channel

After joining the Discord  please set up a meeting time via Calendly when you're available to be interviewed by Napo or another Gamers Feud Staff member.
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