Parent/Guardian Counseling Referral Form
Latitude offers school counseling services for students. The attached screener is essential in helping us determine the areas in which you are seeking mental health support for your student. Please note that due to clinician caseloads, there may be a wait time and your student may not be immediately seen for non-urgent needs. Your child may also be referred to an outside provider rather than being seen on-site. All referrals our reviewed weekly by our SEL Coordination Team.  Please reach out if you have any questions at (951) 741-2990.

If you have urgent concerns regarding a student's immediate safety, including suicidal ideation, please contact an admin or S3 team member directly before submitting this form. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is also available at 1-800-273-8255.

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Email *
Parent/Guardian Name
Student's Name
Date of Referral
Please describe what concerns you have regarding your child.
How long has the problem existed?
Have there been any significant stressors for the family: losses, births, deaths, moves, hospitalizations, financial problems, in the last several years?
What attempts have been made to solve the difficulties.
Please check the symptoms that the child is currently experiencing
On a scale of 1-5 how concerned are you about your child's well-being or mental health at this time?
Somewhat Concerned
Extremely Concerned
Clear selection
Does your child know that you are submitting this form/referring them to counseling at school? *
What is the best way to contact you to follow up about this form with updates or any questions that we have?
Please provide your current phone number and email address (if applicable).
Any other questions, comments, or concerns that you want the team to know about.
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