Join 350ActionNY at a Rally for Climate Justice before the 9/4 CNN Climate Town Hall
As the leading Democratic presidential candidates gather in New York for CNN’s televised town hall on the climate crisis, activist groups, including 350ActionNY, will rally outside to demand that Democrats take bold positions that respond to the urgency of the issue.

We will are calling on candidates to support a ban on fracking and fossil fuel infrastructure, a just and fair transition to 100% renewables, and a bold Green New Deal.

We hope you can join us as we push our elected officials and presidential candidates to support the progressive climate action we NEED!

TW/Insta: @350ActionNY
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Are you able to join us to rally outside of the CNN Climate Town Hall on Wednesday 9/4? Details: CNN is hosting a Climate Town Hall in NYC 9/4 for top Presidential candidates, and we will be rallying outside, demanding all candidates support the progressive climate policy we need. We will rally from 3-5:30pm at 30 Hudson Yards. *
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