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4-H Building Use Request
Please fill out this form to request dates to use the 4-H building.
The active building calendar can be found here:
Please note that the calendar is as accurate as we have time to make it, it may not be 100% at the time of viewing so please select backup times and dates even if the day looks available just in case.
Also note that county 4-H use of the facility takes priority and we may request for you to choose a new date if county has need.
Please also find the building clean up check-list:
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* Indicates required question
Requesting Individual
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Requester Club/Group
Your answer
Contact Information for follow up, emailed preferred.
Your answer
Request purpose
Club meeting
Date and Time Requested: Include start time and end time. (Please only include dates you plan to use, use the below box for alternative dates if your first pick is not available)
Your answer
If the above date/s are not available, are there alternative dates or times?
Your answer
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