Where are you?
The world is changing faster than ever. Technology is accelerating, job security is declining and income inequality is increasing. People are overworked and underpaid. With less time and freedom, people are left wondering if there is a better way.

Our changing economy has led to the rise of the holistic & highly vibrational entrepreneur. The fastest, most dependable and controllable way to become wealthy is to own your own business. This lifestyle is changing America, in fact we're in documentaries that have gathered today's best experts and thought leaders because it's what you desire.

Your search for a better way is over.
The answer is here.
Your future awaits and there are no limits.

Are you interested in learning more?  

Please fill out the form so that I can work with you to help create the lifestyle you desire. Don't feel bad about any answer that you post below because we are just creating a starting point for success.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Take Inventory : What are your current assets? *
Raw materials, Resources, Team members, Certifications, Industry Friends?
2. Are you working in a home based  or self owned business? *
If no skip to Question 3
2.A. How large is your business team?
2.B. Are you reaching your business goals?
2.C. Do you attend weekly, monthly or annual business events?
2.D. What was the last support you received in growing your business?
2.E. Do you host retreats or other company events? *
2.F. Are you committed to creating a shift in your business value?
2.G. Do you have a business plan for fiscal growth?
2.H. What do you see as the greatest obstacle to your business growth?
3. A. How many customers are you working with on a monthly basis? *
3. B. How many customers or how much income do you need on a monthly basis?
4. How do you feel about presenting your business? *
Would you like to become a better presenter in 2018?
5. Rate Your Skill : Finding Customers *
6. Rate Your Skill : Inviting *
7. Rate Your Skill : Presenting *
8. Rate Your Skill : Follow Up *
9. Rate Your Skill : Closing *
10. Rate Your Skill : Growing Your Business *
11. Rate Your Skill : Promoting Events *
12. Rate Your Skill : Technology *
13. Share with me your goals for the next year in business. *
This can be just learning and using new products, technology,  growing a team, creating a program. There is no wrong answer.
14. What do you think your greatest obstacle is in business? *
15. Do you feel vibrationally in tune with the Earth and your desires to create change?
15. How would you like me to connect after this form has been filled out? *
email, phone call, text, FB chat, other - include number, email, FB info if desired
Email, FB or IG Profile if desired for "chat" *
16. If Phone (30 Min Consult) Best Time to Connect Via Phone
Name *
Let's connect for success!! Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form so that I can better support your dreams!
Much Love, Barbara xx
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