Глаголы в действительном залоге Present Simple, Future Simple и Past Simple, Present и Past Continuous, Present и Past Perfect
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1. There is a legendary monster that people say lives in the deep Loch Ness lake in the north of Scotland. It is called the Loch Ness Monster, or “Nessie” for short. It looks like a dinosaur, with a small head on a long neck and humps on its back. People first _____________ Nessie in 1933. SEE
1 point
2. He will also have to face many dangers. There will be sharks, jellyfish, storms, rough seas, and very low water temperatures. In 1998, Lecomte made the solo trans-Atlantic swim. It _____________ him 73 days to cover the 6,400 km. TAKE
1 point
3. When he reached dry land, he ____________ to do such experiments again but obviously he changed his mind. NOT WANT
1 point
4. For thousands of years, skilled carpenters ______________furniture from wood. MAKE
1 point
5. She anxiously asked him where he ________. “I missed the bus and had to walk here,” Alex replied. BE
1 point
6. Despite its awesome height, the mountain ________ many times. CLIMB
1 point
7. The book ________ the writer international fame as soon as it was published. BRING
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8. An average of only about one and a half inches of rain falls each year in Death Valley, and in some years it ________ at all. NOT RAIN
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9. Greece ________ one 1,900 years before. (5) About 500 years later, Roman civilization had been at its height. HAVE
1 point
10. Martha wishes her job ________ as highly paid as some of the other employees’. BE
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11. She learnt how to snorkel and saw lots of pretty fish in the ocean around her. One day she even saw a sea turtle while she ________. SWIM
1 point
12. Earlier, the temperature ________. And now clouds began moving in. FALL
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13. Sarah’s favourite part of the trip ________ on the last night. She and her family went to a special dinner and a show called luau. HAPPEN
1 point
14. What the town is famous for today is Windsor Castle, the Royal residence. From a plane Windsor Castle with its big round tower looks like a child's dream of a sand castle. Sadly, in 1992 fire ________ a large part of the castle buildings. DESTROY
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15. Without doubt, this new technology ________ popular among drivers very soon. BECOME
1 point
16. I knew a storm ________ .  Would it be a snowstorm? I woke up the next morning to see the ground all covered with snow.  There would be no baseball practice today! COME
1 point
17. Computers and microchips ___________ part of our everyday lives BECOME
1 point
18. It was still almost dark outdoors. Nobody ___________________ how      difficult it was for Daisy to get out of her warm bed but she did it. KNOW
1 point
19. The dog, a wonderful shepherd Blanka, was at their neighbours’ housealone. Her owners Mr and Mrs Pitt, __________________ for some             business. LEAVE
1 point
20. “It’s ok”, Daisy thought, “One week ____________________and only            one more week is still ahead. I’ll manage.” PASS
1 point
21. Every day before classes she had to walk and feed Blanka. In theafternoons she played with her and ____________________her again.             It was also necessary to tidy up in the house as Blanka, though she was a very clever dog, was also quite a messy dog. FEED
1 point
22. Daisy had always wanted to adopt a puppy, but her mum __________              of the idea.                                                                                                  
1 point
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