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ACM CCS 2021 PC Nomination Form
Use this form to nominate someone (including yourself) to be part of the ACM CCS 2021 Program Committee.
Question marked with (*) are mandatory.
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* Indicates required question
What is the name of the candidate?
Your answer
What is the email address of the candidate? (If possible use an institutional email address)
Your answer
What type of job/position does the candidate hold?
Graduate Student
Faculty Member
What is the candidate's current affiliation?
Your answer
Does the candidate have previous experience serving on PCs? If so, which PCs?
Your answer
Why do you think the candidate would be a good fit for the ACM CCS PC?
Your answer
For which tracks are you nominating the candidate? (You can choose multiple tracks)
Software Security
Web Security
Network Security
Formal Methods and Programming Languages
Hardware, Side Channels, and Cyber-Physical Systems
Applied Cryptography
Machine Learning and Security
Usability and Measurement
Blockchain and Distributed Systems
Privacy and Anonymity
Are you nominating yourself, or someone else?
Somebody else, and they know I'm nominating them
Somebody else, and they don't know I'm nominating them
If you are nominating someone else, who are you to them?
Your answer
If you are nominating someone else, what is your name?
Your answer
If you are nominating someone else, what is your e-mail address?
Your answer
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