Forever Foundations - 1:1 Mentorship Application
I'm so excited you are considering business mentorship! While I'm pretty confident we can do some great things together, I want to be absolutely sure you'll see a return on your investment and ensure this is the perfect fit for you! 

Please answer the following questions, so I can better understand where you are in your business!

Within this mentorship program, you will receive:
  • 3 Months of Mentorship & Support From Carissa
  • 60 Minute Strategy Session Via Zoom
  • Business & Marketing Deep Dive Diagnostic (marketing, sales, revenue)
  • 30, 60 and 90 Day Strategy
  • Support On Demand 24/7 (email, text or voice)
  • Marketing Material Audits
Let's do this!
xo Carissa
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Email *
First Name & Last Name *
Business Website *
Instagram Handle *
Please tell me a bit about your business. (what services do you offer for weddings + who is your ideal couple/client? *
How many weddings/events are you booking each year right now? *
What is the #1 problem in your business right now? *
What do you think is your biggest strength as an entrepreneur? *
What do you think is your biggest weakness as an entrepreneur? *
Can you invest in your business growth? (Forever Foundations is $500 per month with a 3 month minimum, then month to month.)  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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